Can this new app really help you decode your babies cries?
How to Decode Your Babies Cries
Updated: August 1, 2016. The biggest struggle by most new parents is trying to find out why their newborn is crying and what they want. Since most people are not conversant with baby talk, a research team at the National Taiwan University Hospital Yunlun developed an app that is able to decode the cry of a baby and tell you exactly why the baby is crying. Infant cries translator distinguishes between four separate baby crying sounds by recording the cries then comparing them with a large database of sounds.
(App is currently only in Chinese but pictures can interpret babies feelings)
This app can differentiate between four separate baby crying sound, sleep, hunger, wet diaper or pain. The researchers collected about 200,000 baby crying sounds from around 100 new born babies and put them in an online database. Then they figured out which sound responds to a particular need. When the app is downloaded, a parent should record the baby crying then upload it in the app. The app analyses the audio using its algorithm and after 10 seconds, one of the four options is presented as the reason why the baby is crying.
According to the developers and feedback by the users, the accuracy of this app is about 92% for babies under two weeks old. For babies between one to two months, the accuracy reduces to 84-85%. For a four months old baby, the accuracy reaches to 77%. The app takes up to 15 seconds after listening to the crying baby to make the analysis.
Test shows that the accuracy of this app reduces as the baby gets older but there is almost no point of using the app after the baby is old enough, probably when he or she gets to the age of 6 months or more, because at this time, the parent has become familiar with the different sounds the baby makes when he or she needs something and the baby is also familiar and comfortable with the environment.
This app updates its database constantly to a cloud drive as well as its machine learning algorithm which means that a parent can customize the app based on the feedback of their infant.
After downloading this app, a user should set the date of birth of the child as well as the nationality and when the baby cries, press the record button, upload the audio and wait for the app to analyze the sound and give the results. The analyzed results of the bay sound are sent to the same mobile phone used to record the sound. All sound are uploaded to the cloud drive.
Available for both iOS and Android for $2.99.
An alternate app that’s relatively unknown for english is