How to Pick The Perfect Jogging Stroller
Having a newborn in the family can interfere with your lifestyle activities. The most challenged people are mothers and fathers who love exercising and they are at the same time required to look after their baby. However, you can still go on with your routine jogging activities as long as you have a suitable jogging stroller for your baby. With many baby strollers in the market, the most challenging question to parents is how to pick a jogging stroller or double jogging stroller for their babies. Here are some of the tips on how to pick a jogging stroller that will not fail you.
Stability and numbers of wheels
For many years, many parents have preferred the four-wheeled baby stroller as their suitable jogging stroller on stability grounds. However, what they do not know is that the four- wheeled baby stroller is suitable for waking and not jogging. Jogging baby stroller should be inclined backwards to enable you to navigate corners with ease while running. It is therefore recommendable to pick a three- wheeled baby stroller for jogging purposes that has more weight on the back. Three- wheeled strollers with more weight at the back are easy to lift while running enabling you turn the stroller around a corner without hurting your baby.
Presence of a sun canopy
Jogging for an hour on a summer afternoon can expose your baby to harmful sun rays that could damage their tender skin. It is therefore important to pick a jogging stroller that has a canopy to shade your baby from strong sun rays and wind while jogging. The canopy should be easily adjustable so that that you can move the canopy freely depending with the direction of the sun rays. However, the canopy should not be everywhere all the time because that would make the stroller to look like a box. Your baby needs some light too.
Consider jogging strollers with wide wheels
Although the size of the wheel width of jogging strollers is not a big issue to many parents, it is recommendable to prioritize on strollers with wide wheels. Other than being aesthetic, broad wheeled jogging strollers are stable than narrow wheeled strollers, hence more comfortable and safe for your baby. Broad wheeled jogging strollers are normally bigger in size and tend to offer more space for carrying along thing that you may need for your baby while jogging.
Go for foldable jogging strollers
Foldable jogging strollers are easy to store and carry around. Folding the stroller makes it easy to store and park in the boot of your car. The best jogging stroller is the one that can be folded two times because they have the smallest size when folded. Additionally, the stroller should be easy to folder without applying too much physical energy.
Pick a jogging stroller with a hand brake
Many parents assume it is their responsibility to stop the stroller while running. However, having a stroller that has a hand brake is a factor that you cannot afford to ignore. If you live in a hilly place, hand brakes can help you to regulate the speed of the stroller as you run down the hill. Additionally, handbrake enables you to stop the stroller whenever you want without having to serve as brakes or when your hands are busy with something else.